Business Studies (Management) - BA (Hons) - CITY College, University of York Europe Campus
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Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece

Business Studies (Management) - BA (Hons)

BA (Hons) in Business Studies (Management)

BA (Hons) in Business Studies (Management)

Course duration: 3 years

Degree Title: Successful graduates are awarded the undergraduate degree of the University of York.
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Studies (Management) 
The title is awarded directly by the University of York.
The degree is recognised by UK ENIC.

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The programme

Management is both science and art. This subject can be taught but it is also self-taught. The BA in Business Studies (Management) has been planned to familiarise the students with this philosophy. The central belief is that management is at the heart of all activities in business. In a sense it is identical to business. That is why the course covers the most important areas of today’s business’s world including:

  • Management theory and practice, Starting from introductory theories of basic organization and decision making through to the most modern and complex methods of operational change and innovative forms of business, such as “virtual business”.
  • Computer science has a decisive effect on the management of contemporary businesses, and is taught at all levels as applied informatics.
  • No business can function without accounting and financial management. Within this framework, the programme teaches the importance of evaluating accounting tables and documents for the preparation of a business to ensure its survival and triumph in the future, achieving real and controlled profits.
  • Also of great importance is the human factor, without which no actual operation can be conducted.
  • The programme also includes marketing, which aims at real communication with the environment both inside and outside the corporation. Marketing and Management are of equal importance in achieving corporation goals.
  • The programme is completed with some complementary subjects such as the European business environment, business strategy, entrepreneurship and small businesses and banking.

Special features of the programme

Mock Job Interviews, Re-packaging project, Use of Digital Technologies, Viral Videos, Volunteering Work, Practicum, Crash Courses: Find out more about these special features of the programme our students benefit from.


Why choose this course?

  • Degree from one of the world’s top universities, the University of York.
  • Opportunities for potential placements and internships in companies and organisations, assisting students to embark their career while studying. More about our career services.
  • Specialised programme of studies focusing on latest management theory and practice.
  • Excellent teaching team with managerial experience.
  • Taking on real life projects on behalf of companies enable students to work on management issues and develop their managerial skills.
  • Students develop a fundamental understanding of how organisations operate, learn how to address management problems and how to become successful leaders.
  • Use of simulation software for better understanding and problem-solving
  • Emphasis on developing decision-making skills.
  • Enhancement of problem-solving techniques.

Practicum - A real-life project for final year students
The Practicum is part of the programme of studies of all the Bachelors programmes of the Business Administration & Economics Department. Final year students have the opportunity to work on real-life projects in companies or organisations, practise their skills and knowledge, and better understand the links between business theory and practice in authentic settings.
View some of our students' practicum projects

More reasons why:

  • Individual care for students and their progress and development.
    Development of important attributes necessary for a successful career such as: teamwork, flexibility, ethos, cultural agility, communication, critical and analytical thinking and decision making skills.
  • Strong links with the industry and our alumni.
  • Supportive learning environment with a wide range of support services available to students.
    Student Services
  • Free participation in sports and clubs activities.
    Sports@CITY | Clubs
  • Our state of the art library, the Information and Learning Commons (ILC) fully supports our students’ study experience.
    Our state of the art Library
  • Participation in eventsseminars and workshops by successful professionals who share their expertise with students.

CITY College LibraryCITY College LibraryCITY College LibraryCITY College LibraryCITY College SportsCITY College SportsPaintball event by CITY College Students’ Union (CSU)Boat trip to ChalkidikiCITY College Running Team at the 11th ‘Alexander the Great’ International MarathonCITY College Gaming ClubCITY College students strolling around ThessalonikiCITY College students strolling around ThessalonikiAlterlife WH7 fitness centreAlterlife WH7 fitness centreAlterlife WH7 fitness centre


Recognition of degress Accreditation and recognition The Department

Stage 1


Stage 2

Units to the value of twenty credits from the following


Stage 3




Stage 1

Principles of Management
Individuals working in organizations in the twenty-first century will have a greater need than ever for effective management skills.  As fierce global competition is expected to continue to accelerate it is these skills that will help to differentiate organizations.  Gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage will become more critical to survival and success. 
Students attending this course will be given the opportunity for an in-depth understanding of the basic management functions to be utilized in further courses and in their everyday working lives including: planning, organizing, leading and controlling.  Emphasis will be given entrepreneurship and innovation in an era in which innovating quickly to stay ahead of competition, has become more important than ever. Back to top

Principles of Marketing
Marketing is the business activity that identifies developing and changing marketing needs, designates market segments. The company can appeal to effectively, develops products and services that satisfy needs of target customers, prices, promotes and uses the most appropriate channels to make these products and services available. 
Marketing activities apparently have not changed. The environment though where marketing is practised has changed considerably in the past two decades. Fierce competition, very short product life cycles, global markets, internet and its applications create a very challenging environment for today’s enterprises where marketing has become indispensable. This unit provides a good understanding of all the main concepts of marketing in the contemporary environment. Back to top

Quantitative Methods for Business and Finance
This introductory unit provides an understanding of the basic mathematical and statistical methods required for the study of business related problems. This course satisfies the mathematics competency requirements for a first year student in business.
This unit aims to develop students’ mathematical skills and provide them with the necessary tools to address business, financial and statistical problems. Back to top

Principles of Business Statistics
This introductory unit provides an understanding of the basic statistical methods required for the study of business related problems. The unit introduces students to the assumptions, concepts and techniques used by statisticians to make decisions.
The aim of this unit is to develop basic statistical skills so students can apply them to business problems. Emphasis will be given to estimation and hypothesis testing and regression which have a potential role in a manager’s decision making process. Back to top

Information Technology for Management
The field of IT is growing rapidly, especially with the introduction of the Internet and e-commerce, so the organisational impacts keep increasing. The unit elaborates on the functional relevance of IT not only within the entire organisation but in inter-organisational settings as well. It teaches to students that managing information resources, new technologies, and communication networks is becoming a –or even the- critical success factor in the operations of many organisations, private and public, and will be essential to the survival of organisations in the digital economy. Back to top

Principles of Accounting
The aim of accounting is to provide information about the operations of a business such as what they own, what they owe, whether or not it earned a profit and how cash flowed in and out of the business. 
In the business context, accounting may be viewed as an information system that measures, processes and communicates information, primarily financial in nature, about a business entity for the purpose of making business decisions. This information is not only important to business management, but it is also meaningful to business owners, creditors, unions, government authorities, investors, etc. An important aspect is to explore the techniques for presenting a company’s financial position, earnings and performance. Back to top

Academic English Skills
This unit instructs students in all aspects of academic communication including writing, reading, speaking and listening as well as offering opportunities for vocabulary enrichment and lexical and structural improvement specific to academic communication. The unit also provides space for students to consider how technology is used in the academic communication process. Using a variety of different teaching and learning methods students will be given the opportunity to practice and improve their overall use of academic English so that by the end of the course they are proficient in the specifics of academic discourse appropriate to their field of study. This unit acts as a support  mechanism to the linguistic demands expected of students in their core subjects i.e. Computer Science, Business or Psychology. The unit seeks to improve overall language use through contemporary issues that relate to the role of the individual in contemporary society, as well as those pertinent to the student’s own field of study. Back to top

European Union
The course consists in a critical presentation of the creation, the content and the future of the E.U. It introduces key developments, institutions and policies. All the critical points are discussed from a political, historical and economic point of view. Specific attention will be given to the today economic crisis in the European Union. Back to top

Principles of Microeconomics
This unit aims to introduce students to Microeconomics by providing students with a detailed analysis of the operation of the different microeconomic markets and the factors of production, focusing on the behaviour of households and firms. Students will acquire an in depth knowledge of the main economic assumptions that are a prerequisite for any economic analysis. More specifically, a thorough analysis of the main economic issues will be presented which span from scarcity, opportunity costs and production possibilities, comparative advantage, supply and demand, costs, revenues, product pricing and outputs, efficiency and the role of government. Through the material covered the student will acquire the basic economic knowledge that will support future decisions on economic issues and will enhance her/his skills with respect to the application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of the various microeconomic phenomena. Back to top

Principles of Macroeconomics
This unit aims to introduce students to Macroeconomics by providing students with a detailed analysis of the different macroeconomic issues. Students will be able to formulate valid economic policy suggestions based on the most important macroeconomic models, through the use of scientific tools. Therefore, the student will be able to address valid and documented suggestions of economic policy which will be scientifically verified. Through the material covered the student will acquire the basic macroeconomic knowledge that will support future decisions on economic issues and will enhance her/his skills with respect to the application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation of the various macroeconomic phenomena. Back to top

Introduction to Business Law
This unit is designed to provide students with an understanding of law and its relationship with business. After an overview of the historical, political and sociological background of law students will study sources of law, the structure of law, legal systems and the development of European and international law in a multi-jurisdictional world. A particular emphasis will be put on the relationship of law and business through the study of contracts. Back to top

Development of Early Career Skills
The unit explores the importance of communication in the business environment. The unit aims to provide students with both theoretical issues and practical skills. Job interviews, preparation of a CV, team work, writing business reports and presentation skills will be developed throughout the semester. The communication process will be analysed and emphasis is given to listening and the non-verbal elements of our interactions with other people. The course places special emphasis on the social context of business and explores communication among and within groups as well as considering communicational codes and messages. The required skills for an effective communication will be analysed together with the social context. Back to top


Stage 2

Corporate Sustainability
This unit explores the different dimensions of corporate sustainability and how social and environmental goals are as important as economic and financial goals for business. The unit focuses on social and environmental performance and how they can lead to better economic and financial results, to competitive advantage and to stakeholders’ satisfaction. Through case studies the unit explores how business deals with social and environmental challenges and how this translates into business strategies. Emphasis will be put on measuring results and reporting them. Back to top

Organisational Behavior
The unit covers particular issues about the study of individual, group and structural behaviour within organisations. In particular, the unit examines the impact of the human behaviour issues on organisational performance and success. It is widely recognised that the knowledge of organisational behaviour is critical in modern corporations and public bodies and determines in a high rate their effectiveness and efficiency. Back to top

Financial Management
Financial management is concerned with the duties of the financial manager in the business firm. Therefore the primary objective of the module is to rigorously elaborate on theoretical as well as practical aspects of the major decision areas of financial management, such as fund raising and investing. As most of the advances in financial management are based on the interaction between decision making and capital market behaviour, this unit will therefore focus on capital market theory as well. Back to top

Marketing Management Strategies
In today’s world it sometimes seems that change is the only constant. Managers of both profit and non-profit oriented organisations face an environment characterised by: rapidly changing technology; competition that is increasingly multinational in scope. These changes have important implications for marketing decisions in an organisation.  This unit provides the concepts, tools, and decision making approaches that perspective marketing managers need, to carry out their specialised roles and responsibilities.  Furthermore, the specific unit deals with innovative techniques in marketing and the current trends in corporate marketing management. Back to top

Decision Making with IT
Information Technology (IT) is in a constant state of evolutionary change. IT now enables the transformation of business supply chains into networks of collaborating business organisations adopting structures built around business processes exploiting core competencies. Before businesses can reap the benefits of such change, managers need to be able to exploit IT to make better operational, tactical and strategic decisions. This involves not only routine internal decisions, but also one-off unanticipated decisions and decisions involving collaborating organisations.
As a consequence, effective business managers need to remain current in terms of the IT available and to acquire the concepts and skills involved in analysing, designing and implementing the Management Information Systems (MIS) which are needed to provide the information used in the decision making process. They need to understand the nature of management decisions and the decision making process itself.Without such knowledge managers will not be equipped to work alongside systems analysts and other IT professionals and play a full part in the process of MIS provision. Ultimately it is the role of managers to interpret and apply information in order to be more effective in their jobs, and thereby to be fully involved in the process of transforming their organisation to be capable of working in an IT enabled supply chain network. Back to top

Management Accounting
Management accounting serves the multiple information needs of managers. It consists of accounting techniques and procedures for gathering and reporting financial, production, and distribution data to meet management's information needs.
Management accountants are now facing a great challenge, as globalisation and automation are the key characteristics of the new business environment. The management in general and management accountants in particular, need to obtain information about these changes, interpret it and use it in their decision-making in order to remain competitive. Back to top

Operations Management
Operations Management (OM) is concerned with creating the products and services upon which we all depend. Creating products and services is the very reason for any organization’s existence, whether that organization is large or small, manufacturing or service, for-profit or not-for-profit. Operations management is also at the centre of so many of the changes affecting the business world – changes in customer preference, changes in supply networks brought about by internet-based technologies, and changes in the extent of environmental responsibility that we expect from companies. Promoting the creativity which will allow organizations to respond to so many changes is becoming the prime task of operations managers. Back to top

Consumer Behavior
Consumer buyer behaviour patterns are complex and rapidly evolving, because consumers are human beings that their actions are irrational, emotional and difficult to predict. The unit sheds light to consumer behaviour by examining the internal and external environmental factors that affect the consumer decision-making process. Finally, the unit equips students by exposing them to theoretical tools that will enable them to comprehend consumer consumption patterns so as to devise appropriate marketing strategies that will respect consumer requirements. Back to top

Current Issues in Business Law
This unit is designed to provide students with an understanding of current issues in business law. It aims at providing specific and useful legal knowledge to business students. Emphasis is put on the evolution of the legal framework in a global business world and on specific issues of European law (competition law, GDPR). Topics include dispute settlements, intellectual property, and the regulation of international trade. Back to top

Financial Institutions & Markets
This unit provides an introduction to the structure and operations of the different financial institutions and markets currently existing within the evolving financial system.  It explores the functions performed by a financial system, the structure and classification of the financial institutions and markets, the various instruments traded on the markets, the role of the Central Bank, the need for financial regulation and the causes/effects of financial crises.  Special emphasis is given to the various financial innovations that characterise the moder. Back to top

Case Studies in Digital Transformation
The rate and magnitude of the changes underway are already affecting our world in profound ways. Innovations in mobile technology, the Internet of Things, and robotics are reshaping consumer behaviour and business trends. They’re affecting people’s work and social relationships. Organizations that are looking to the future have acknowledged this and are trying to adapt to stay relevant and drive growth. Companies, governments, and non-profits all have the power to accomplish good things with the advances in robotics, artificial intelligence, and Internet of things. Digital transformation is all about figuring that out.
This unit deals with several of the transformations that have arisen in contemporary organisations as a result of the implementation and utilisation of information systems. A selection of case studies to explore, familiarise and identify the challenges/opportunities that have arisen in contemporary organisations focusing on: Industry 4.0, Fintech - blockchain, digital currencies, social media; The new types of jobs & organizational structures in the digitalized enterprise; Digital Consumption; e-commerce, e-Healthcare, big data, digital security, privacy and ethics. Back to top

International Political Economy
The course is an introduction to international politics. It reviews the mainstream international relations theories. It discusses the evolution of these theories and critically evaluates their theoretical as well as empirical value.Furthermore, it presents the other main actors in the international system, besides states, and problematizes as to the nature of today’s world: state.centric or not. Back to top 


Stage 3

Project Risk Management
All business need to be involved, one way or another, with one-off project. Due to the unique aspect of projects many issues may arise that could turn out to be catastrophic for the business. This unit deals with all these issue and the necessity of project management and monitoring to ensure a project's smooth implementation.  It also deals with the anticipated potential problems and the corrective strategies that could be followed, while the aspect of project network analysis can be used by any project manager in controlling the activities of the task. Back to top

Entrepreneurship & Small Business
Entrepreneurship is increasingly recognised as a driver of economic development, not just in starting new firms but also in transforming old, lumbering organisations and making them more dynamic and responsive to global, changing markets. This unit presents an overview of entrepreneurship and small business management both as a process and as a style of management. It examines the challenges and issues that independent entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial managers encounter both from a theoretical and practical perspective. The unit initially examines the factors that influence and support entrepreneurial and entrepreneurial activity and behavior. It explores business start-up processes (identification and evaluation of business opportunities, determining capital requirement, preparing financial statements, identification and evaluation of sources of capital, networking, coping with regulations). Moreover, it explores issues regarding managing small business growth and developing new business opportunities. Back to top

Business Practicums are supervised action learning projects designed to provide students with an opportunity to manage a project for an organization (“participating company-client”). They aim to successfully bridge academic knowledge and the development of professional skills and employability.
They are team-based and normally delivered over a semester requiring students to devote an average of 150-200 hours in total (depending on the nature of the project). The student work is complemented by classroom-based teaching/mentoring.
The precise nature of the project can vary enormously depending on both the nature and the needs of the organisation. Participating companies can be large corporations or small local businesses. The common denominator is a genuine need for help with a problem or appreciation of the added value of some independent research beyond the resources or capabilities of the participating company. This may be a general management problem, a marketing issue, a finance matter or any number of specific challenges. Back to top

Personal Selling and Sales Management
Sales Management is one of the most important elements for the success of modern organisations. Not only is a sale the most expensive component of the marketing mix for most companies, but also is the firm’s most direct link to the customer. Therefore, managing the sales force is one of the most crucial executive responsibilities. Personal selling and, consequently, sales management are undergoing dramatic changes. These changes are being driven by several behavioural, technological, and managerial forces that are dramatically and irrevocably altering the way salespeople understand, prepare for, and accomplish their objectives. Salespeople, and those who manage them, realise that these changes affect every aspect of sales management from the way the sales department is structured to the selection, training, motivation, and compensation of individual salespeople. Back to top

International Business Strategy
Virtually every management decision being made today is influenced by global events, and superficial knowledge about international politics, economics, cultures, exchange rates and foreign competitors can have quick and adverse effects on a firm’s bottom line. The unit is designed to introduce students to all different aspects of doing business across international boundaries. Various unique aspects of the international environment (e.g., economic, financial, political, cultural), which add complexity to the development of an international business plan, will also be examined.  The assessment of markets, methods of market entry, and the issues of globalisation of the strategy will also be considered at length. Back to top

Managing in the Digital Era
In the last decade, the explosion of revolutionary networking and the continuing development in the IT environment are changing the way firms communicate, interact, process data and endeavour to have a competitive advantage. The modern day business environment is often described by four words: volatility, uncertainty, complexity and perplexity. In these times, it is difficult to control and manage a business, while at the same time being able to predict what new technologies will emerge. Becoming familiar with the latest of what the digital era has to offer is of the utmost importance for future managers, in order to deal with such demanding situations.
This unit aims to prepare students, in an efficient and practical way, in order to effectively manage modern companies by utilizing state-of-the-art IT tools. The emphasis of this unit is to familiarize students with the following contemporary managerial topics:
• Recognize the company of the future in a business and digital economy.
• Evaluate and review customer feedback (Customer Relationship Management).
• Manage business intelligence (Big data, KM, expert systems).
• Apply and utilise tools for increased efficiency (Spreadsheets).
• Manage organisational digital connections (social networks).
• Manage digital innovation.
• Discuss disruptive technologies.
• Analyse the socially aware business (life-cycle analysis tools, software based on society-driven input/feedback for social enterprises). Back to top

Managing Innovation
Innovation management is the discipline of managing processes in innovation. Innovation is the embodiment, combination or synthesis of knowledge in original, relevant, valued new products, processes or services. The focus of innovation management is to allow the organization to respond to an external or internal opportunity, and use its creative efforts to introduce new ideas, processes or products. Therefore it is essential that managers understand strategies, tools and techniques for managing innovation. This module provides an introduction to key concepts in the management of innovation. We examine how firms manage innovation processes, explore different knowledge sources for innovation and look at technology and innovation strategies. Students also learn about wider framework conditions that have a bearing on business innovation, including availability of finance for innovation, public policies and agencies promoting innovation. Back to top

Developing & Managing Corporate Identity
Developing corporate reputation is now very important for the success of companies and organisations. Corporate Communication is the process through which stakeholders perceive that the company’s identity, image and reputation are formed. Graduate students should acquire thorough knowledge concerning not only what is happening in an era of advanced communication but also what companies can do to stay one step ahead of the competition by creating a coordinated corporate communication and sustain a successful reputation. Back to top

Human Resource Management
The fundamentals of Human Resource Management (HRM) involve the main principles of employment relationship, recruitment, selection, retention, training, people development, performance management, remuneration and reward systems, and other modern issues related to employee participation. In addition, HRM is related with the contested arena of employment relations. Furthermore, it is considered to be an essential element of business strategies and objectives that are associated with organisational effectiveness, whilst its implementation can significantly affect organisational performance.
Nonetheless, dynamic factors and pressures (such as: changes in the sociological and economic context/climate, the regulatory framework, implementation of employment policy etc) can seriously affect business and corporate strategy, and subsequently have an impact on the way that HRM is deployed. These factors have an impact on HRM strategies, and hence, are considered to be serious challenges for HRM managers who should focus on the organisational goals and effectiveness. Back to top

Logistics & Supply Chain Management
This course is a study of all phases of management skills in the field of logistics. Logistics is the process that creates value by timing and positioning inventory; it is the combination of a firm’s order management, inventory, transportation, warehousing, materials handling and packaging as integrated throughout a facility network. Integrated logistics serves to link and synchronize the overall supply chain as a continuous process and is essential for effective supply chain connectivity. Back to top


Entry requirements

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How to apply

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The Business Administration & Economics Department (BAED) of CITY College, University of York Europe Campus aims at providing all students with an intellectually stimulating and supportive environment that allows them to acquire important skills and competencies for their professional and personal life.

Business matters at BAED. Our undergraduate and postgraduate courses in management related disciplines are designed to challenge students’ thinking and inspire them to develop the advanced knowledge and analytical skills they will need to succeed in business.

Our academics continually work with international, national and regional businesses as part of their research and use their experiences to make their teaching relevant and up-to-date.
More about the Business Administration & Economics Department


Research at the Business Administration & Economics Department

The academic staff of the Business Administration & Economics Department

Contact the Business Administration & Economics Department


Recognition and Careers

Accreditation and Recognition
CITY College is strongly committed to quality education and academic excellence. It is officially accredited and recognised by top international accreditation bodies. Read more

Degree and formal qualifications
The degree and formal qualifications our graduates receive.

For Greek graduates only: Recognition of degrees


Career opportunities

The broad scope and practical focus of the BA (Hons) in Business Studies (Management) programme qualifies graduates to enter a wide range of careers in business. Many graduates go on to study for postgraduate degrees and professional qualifications.


Career, Employability and Enterprise Centre

The Career, Employability and Enterprise Centre, focuses on helping students to set attainable career goals. It offers advice on CVs and cover letters, and on how to effectively handle job interviews. Through career fairs, and different internship programmes, the department aims at constantly bringing students in contact with prospective employers. 

Every spring we organize the Annual Career Fair presenting with an opportunity to get a first feel of job seeking. During the event students and alumni have interview opportunities with corporate recruiters and present their skills and abilities to potential employers. Large companies, organisations and multinationals from different industries across S.E. Europe participate every year in our Career Fair and offer employment and internship opportunities to our students and graduates.
More about our Career Services.

Contact the Career, Employability and Enterprise Centre at


Your Career Journey

Career Journey

Career Journey

A journey to personal and professional development designed to maximise university experience and prepare students for a fulfilling career.

View the career journey


The programme is taught by academic staff members who have extensive teaching and professional experience. Our academics continually work with international, national and regional businesses as part of their research and use their experiences to make their teaching relevant and up-to-date. The administration staff fully supports all processes of the department and provides a wide range of services to our students.

Ms Aggeliki Papakonstantinou

“Business Administration and Economics Department Staff are committed to a shared vision: to inspire people within the academic and the wider community. Our responsibility is to engage students to develop their knowledge and their skills in order to stand out for their integrity and ethos. Our main goal is to transfer our international experience, outstanding teaching, excellent research and real business networking to our students.”

Ms Aggeliki Papakonstantinou
Head of the Business Administration & Economics Department



The academic staff & administration staff of the Business Administration & Economics Department


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