Lecture by Dr Dimitriadis at Managers Academy in Skopje
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Lecture by Dr Dimitriadis at Managers Academy in Skopje

Dr Nikos Dimitriadis, Development Director of EDI, led the second weekend lecture of the year for Managers Academy in Skopje at Hotel TCC Grand Plaza, on 5-7 December.

First Lecture by Managers Academy for Academic Year 2014-15 in Skopje

Dr Dimitriadis delivered the unit ‘Market Driven Strategies for Sustainable Growth’ of the ‘Strategic Marketing and Management’ track to 25 participants from the Ministry of Education and Science as well as postgraduate students of the Academy.

During his presentation Dr Dimitriadis talked about market-driven approaches that businesses can adopt in order to fully benefit from their expertise, develop and develop industry-leading advantages and build sustainable growth. Participants found Dr Dimitriadis’ lively presentation particularly informative.

The Managers’ Academy is established under the academic authority of the University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College, in collaboration with the Macedonian Chambers of Commerce and supported by the Macedonian Ministry of Education and Science.

The core mission of the Managers Academy is vocational training and qualifications attainment, including numerous complementary services that will benefit its members and advance their professional skills and status.

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