December 17, 2018: “Towards Argumentation Mining in Social Media” delivered by PhD student Mr Anastasios Lytos
November 23, 2017: “Emergent Distributed Systems for Computational Auditory Scene Analysis” delivered by PhD student Mr Dimitris Pappas
February 24, 2016: “An adaptive data architecture for Artificial Distributed Systems focused on monitoring patients with chronic diseases through wireless sensor networks” delivered by PhD student Mr Fesal Baxhaku.
July 15, 2016: “Socially Assistive Robots for caring and monitoring the elderly” delivered by PhD student Mr Edon Mustafa.
December 21, 2015: “Wireless monitoring systems for enhancing national health services in developing regions” delivered by PhD student Ms Adelina Basholli.
July 5, 2015: “Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning” delivered by Dr Andrea Vlachos, Computer Science Department, The University of Sheffield.
June 26, 2015: Investigating the Effects of Emotions and Emotional Contagion on Crowd Evacuation via Multi-Agent System Modeling and Simulation” delivered by PhD student Ms Marina Ntika.
June 19, 2015: “Quality assurance in Service - Based Applications” delivered by Dr Dranidis Dimitris, Dept. of Computer Science, The University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College
June 12, 2015: “Architerure design challenges of the EDUSAFE Supervision System” delivered by Mr Panagiotis Mousouliotis, Marie Curie ITN Fellow, EDUSAFE ESR 3, PhD Student, ECE Department, AUTH.
June 6, 2015: "Emergence of connectivity motifs via interaction of long - term and short - term plasticity" delivered by Dr Eleni Vasilaki, CEng, Senior Lecturer, (Associate Professor) Dept. of Computer Science, University of Sheffield
June 5, 2015: “From nature observation to autonomic wireless sensor networks” & “Med Vision project” delivered by Dr George Eleftherakis, & Dr Thomas Lagkas, Department of Computer Science, The University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College.
April 3, 2015: "Cloud e-Learning" delivered by PhD student Ms Krenare Pireva.
December 18, 2014: "Modelling and verification. A case study from synthetic biology" delivered by Dr. Marian Gheorghe , Dept. of Computer Science, The University of Sheffield.
November 4, 2014: "Robots and eldercare: the ethical issues” delivered by Dr. Amanda Sharkey, Dept. of Computer Science, The University of Sheffield.
June 27, 2014: "Model-based Testing in Practice” delivered by Dr. Anthony Simons, Dept. of Computer Science, The University of Sheffield.
April 8, 2014: "Patterns of blended information behaviour in Second Life” delivered by Ms Sheila Webber, Senior Lecturer, Information School, Director of the Centre for Information Literacy Research, The University of Sheffield
March 4, 2014: "Modelling, specification and verification. Why do we need them?" delivered by Dr. Marian Gheorghe, Dept. of Computer Science, The University of Sheffield.
February 21, 2014: "Digital forensics and incident response" delivered by Assist.Prof. Vasilis Katos , Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Democritus University Of Thrace.
February 18, 2014: "The Uncanny Valley: what it is, why it matters and how we might be able to avoid it" delivered by Prof. Roger Moore, Dept. of Computer Science, The University of Sheffield.
December 18, 2013: “Specification, Verification and Testing of Hybrid Conventional /Unconventional Computing Systems” delivered by Dr. Mike Stannett, Department of Computer Science, The University of Sheffield.
11 July, 2013: “Management and policy issues emerging from the use of information technology (IT) in health care delivery: Investigation of national readiness for electronic health record system” delivered by PhD student Mr Tomi Dimitrovski.
March 22, 2013: "A self-adaptation framework to address evolution and change in service-based cloud environments" delivered by PhD student Mr Rustem Dautov.
March 22, 2013: “Physics, Computation and the Nature of Observation” delivered by Dr. Mike Stannett, Department of Computer Science, The University of Sheffield.