Computer Science students demonstrate the software applications developed as part of their Individual Project module
Κολέγιο CITY College
Main Campus, Thessaloniki, Greece
29 April 2024

Computer Science students demonstrate the software applications developed as part of their Individual Project module

Final year undergraduate students from our Computer Science Department had the opportunity to demonstrate the software applications they developed as part of their Individual Project module. Our students presented the aim of their projects showcased their achievements and gained insightful feedback from attendees which included academic staff from the department, second-year students - who had the opportunity to see what they are expected to do in their next year of studies, as well as academic staff from the other Departments: Dr Fenia Mavrodi (Business Dept), Dr Aristea Kyriaki Ladas (Psychology Dept), Dr Zoi Tatsioka (Humanities), Dr Eirini Kelmali (Humanities). The audience also included a four-legged friend who enjoyed a lot of petting during the presentations! Congratulations to everyone involved!

CITY College students demonstrate the software applications developed as part of their Individual Project module

The audience also included a four-legged friend


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