More than 120 2nd Year Executive MBA students from across the South-East and Eastern Europe, attended the Annual Study Week at the main campus of the University of Sheffield International Faculty in Thessaloniki that this year took place 5-12 April 2013.
During the joint classes of the study week students from all countries (Greece, Serbia, Romania, Ukraine and Turkey) attended the specialisation units of the MBA track they have chosen. The study week is a unique opportunity for Executive MBA students to join the Faculty’s international network, attend modules of the MBA programme and participate in a number of seminars and social events.
In the frame of this year’s study week a very interesting seminar on ‘Career Coaching’ was presented by Mr. Nikos Lambridis, Chief Executive Officer at Advisor Coaching and Training, who shared his expertise on career-related issues.
MBA students had also the opportunity to attend the annual Strategic Peoples Management Workshop that this year coincided with the study week. Participants found the topic of the workshop, ‘Taking the ‘i’ out of crisis: Leadership and Learning’ very timely interesting and speakers’ presentations particularly insightful.
On the occasion of the weekly visit in Thessaloniki MBA students went sightseeing around the city and organised short trips to some of Thessaloniki’s beautiful surroundings like Chalkidiki with its sandy beaches, Mount Olympus and the archaeological site of Vergina. Students were impressed by enchanting Thessaloniki and the places they visited.
The International Faculty also organized a ‘beer party’ to welcome all students to this unique MBA gathering. Also, before leaving Thessaloniki, our students didn’t miss out on the opportunity to spend typical Greek ‘bouzoukia’ night.
Classes, seminars, fun, networking: the Study Week in Thessaloniki had a bit of everything and everyone left very content with this unique study experience offered by the programme.